Sunday 9 April 2017

#PostPost Weeks 13 and 14

I had some nice bits arrive in the post last couple of weeks :)

1. Review - company contacted me to ask me if I would like to review a watch for them :) well I wasn't going to say no

2. WIN - I won 1st place in the Works poetry day competition on facebook and the prize was £25 giftcard

3. Freebie - dentalife stick for Jac whoot

4. WIN - won these bad ass headphones over on twitter - they are super cool and super comfy too

5. WIN - surprise win in the post - always up for new reading materials

6. WIN - TrackR bravo - this is a bluetooth device you can attach to your belongings so you can find them

 7. Freebie - little sample of Dr Shea Coconut Butter :)

8. WIN - from Facebook - I'll prob give this away - faddy diets dont work for me

 9. WIN - won this on a blog - this is a chewymoon subscription box - I have a months worth of them - they will deliver a new one every week for 4 weeks whoop - so far H and D are not impressed but I quite enjoyed them

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