Monday, 30 April 2018

The vanishing spider

No I didn't get sucked up by a vacuum cleaner!

So where have I been?

Well the simple answer is crazy busy so here is a super brief round up of what I have been up to and  promise to try and be more active!

1. At the end of Jan and into Feb I spent a week in Benidorm - it was fab

2. Second week of Feb I started a secondment in work - it was supposed to be until end of March, but has been extended to April and now May and may continue to be extended as the job I am covering hasnt been advertised yet

3. Gym - I started with a personal trainer and I have been going every week  for the last 2 months - I have also tried to up my actual attendance at the gym to 3 times a week - I  mostly hit that target

4. Skating - yeah I still have the skating bug - and the derby bug - I know it surprises me too this enjoyment of a team sport where I end up sweaty and gross and having other sweaty and gross people touch me! April is exactly one year since I started skating and this is also the month where  I have passed all my minimum skills except for laps (see the personal trainer who is helping me get fitter why? because I want to pass my bloody laps!) this means I can now do scrims and stuff which is both brilliant and also terrifying.

5. More skating - I've also been trying to be more involved in skatey stuff - so I have volunteered to help out at games and scrims which is great as I get to watch and learn more about derby

6. Social stuff - I've been out a lot, mainly to see drag, to the cinema, to see the circus and just generally doing stuff - crazily I have been out 2 or 3 times a week

7. Even more skatey stuff - so myself and a bunch of other nearly  passed skaters have been allowed to join the actual main league sessions on a Sunday so instead of an hour we get to spend 4 hours there - learning with the big girls and watching them scrim - again very scary !

So yeah that's kinda what I have been up to

Oh and I forgot- got a new corn snake too :D